Woodbine School Razed

By Ryan Duey

Thousands of children learned to read and write in the old Woodbine Kansas school before low enrollment forced its closure about 45 years ago. Built in the early 1900s the three-and-a-half story brick building has since fallen into disrepair. Following condemnation, the old school is being razed, which started November 6th.

Woodbine Mayor Mary Sue Roller said it is sad, but it is necessary. Kids have been breaking into it. The floors are not sturdy, they could end up in the basement. We do not want anybody to get hurt.

As the building comes down, Roller said the excavators will try to save some of the old limestone headers at the top of some of the school’s 108 windows, and the limestone columns at the entrance. Eventually, there may be a way to use the limestone to create a Memorial Marker for the old school.

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