Day: August 1, 2022

Obituary-Kerri A. Blake
Kerri Ann Blake, age 50, of Hastings, NE, passed away on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at CHI Health St. Francis, Grand Island, NE. Graveside funeral

Temperatures Soar in Kansas: Don’t Leave Children in Cars
Topeka, Kan. — Temperatures are forecasted to climb back into the 90s across Kansas again this week, and the Kansas Department of Transportation, emergency responders

K-State Launches Effort to Support Growth of Meat Processors in Kansas
Manhattan, Kan. — A rush to locally produced meat partly necessitated more than two years ago by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has spawned consumer’s

Obituary-Larry Martin
Larry Dale (Birddog) Martin, age 70, died July 25, 2022, in Clay Center, KS. He was born in Anthony, KS on December 2, 1951, to

Western Kansas Offers a Glimpse of What an Abortion Ban might look like for Kansas City and Wichita
Hays, Kan. — The westernmost abortion provider in Kansas sits in the eastern half of the state — in Wichita. So for someone in Hays