Month: December 2022

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program to Continue Heating Homes this Winter
Topeka, KS- Colder temperatures and winter weather has arrived in Kansas. The dropping temperatures and necessity of raising the thermostat are leaving some families vulnerable

Harriman Man Receives Second Guide Dog
Washington, KS- For many of us we don’t think twice when finding a chair to sit in, going to the store for groceries, or stepping

Obituary-Lance Willmann
Lance Willmann, 44, of Topeka, Kansas passed away at his home on December 25, 2022. Lance was born on March 10, 1978, to Gary and

CCMC Looking for Open Day Care Provider
Clay Center, KS- It’s not something new, people are always looking for an open day care provider to help care for their little while they

Gardening Withdrawals? Start Seeds Indoors
By Maddy Rohr, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS— The temperatures are cold, snow is on the ground and gardeners are stuck inside.

UPDATE: Homicide Investigation in Neosho County
Neosho County, KS The Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) and the Neosho County Sheriff’s Office announced an arrest connected to the death of Elaina Asprea,

With More than $1 Billion on the line, Oklahomans will Play a Crucial Role in Rural Broadband Expansion
Oklahoma- Access to high-speed broadband internet service in rural Oklahoma has long been a top issue for Farm Bureau members. From conducting daily household tasks

After Year One…
Salina, KS- “It’s hard to believe that we are already coming up on the one-year anniversary of affiliating with Salina Regional Health System (SRHC),” said

Governor Kelly Bans TikTok from State-Owned Devices, Prohibits Access on State Network
Topeka, KS– Today, Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order #22-10, which bans the use of the social media platform TikTok on all state-owned devices for

Obituary-Patti Bloomfield
Patti Jane Hamel Bloomfield, 68, of Clifton KS, passed away on December 25, 2022, after a long battle of cancer. Patti was born on August 21,