Month: March 2023

Kansas State University Foundation Chief Investment Officer Lois Cox announces retirement
MANHATTAN — After 18 years at the Kansas State University Foundation, Lois Cox, CFA, CFP, senior vice president of investments and chief investment officer, will

K-State Technology Development Institute creates custom machine for Kansas manufacturing company
MANHATTAN — Kansas State University’s Technology Development Institute is helping Hillsboro Industries, a Kansas manufacturing company, continue to produce high-quality trailers for the livestock industry

Kansas Senate Confirms Governor Kelly’s Secretary of Administration and Kansas State Historical Society Executive Director Appointees
TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today celebrated the Kansas Senate’s bipartisan confirmation of Adam Proffitt as Secretary of the Department of Administration and Patrick Zollner

Man Gets Prison Time for Meth Trafficking
KANSAS CIY, KAN. – A Kansas man who led police on a high-speed chase was sentenced to 195 months in prison for drug trafficking. According

Washburn University Unveils Vision for Premier Campus Learning Experience
Topeka, Kan. – Creating the region’s premier student learning environment is the focus of Washburn University’s new campus vision. University leaders unveiled a seven-year plan

Annual City Wide Cleanup in Concordia
Spring is here, and it is time to “Refresh Concordia!” The City Commission urges residents to prepare their yards and front porches for enjoyment this

Obituary-Lisa Roepke
Lisa A. Roepke, age 61, of Waterville, passed away at her home on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. Lisa was born in Marysville, on July 23,
The Bill Would Have Prevented Schools and Employers From Challenging a Claim of Religious Objection for All Vaccines.
KCUR | By Samantha Horton Published March 23, 2023 at 1:28 PM CDT Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Carlos Moreno/KCUR 89.3 The bill would have prevented schools and

Barton hosting Enrollment Days to prepare students for 2023-2024 school year
March 23, 2023 Story by Joe Vinduska Potential students will have an opportunity to gear up for the fall semester during Barton’s popular “Enrollment Day”

NIAA’s Animal Agriculture Leaders Kick Off Cohort 2
Kansas City, Mo. (March 23, 2023) – The second cohort of the National Institute for Animal Agriculture’s (NIAA) Advanced Training for Animal Agriculture Leaders completed their first