Month: March 2024

CCCHS Forensics Qualifies For Nationals At Big Question Debate
By Quinn O’Hara Three CCCHS Tiger Forensics students Alessia Carrales and Sam and Morgan Peters competed in the Big Question Debate National Qualifier on Thursday,

Dickinson County’s Donate Day a Big Success
By Ryan Duey On March 15th, the Community Foundation of Dickinson County held its annual Donate Day to help area non-profit organizations. This year ended

Marysville and the Kansas Schools Art Collecting Movement, 1900-1950
By Ryan Duey On Sunday, April 7th The Pony Express Barn and Museum of Marysville in partnership with the Marshall County Historical Society will be

Wakefield Library Hosts Family Craft Night
By Quinn O’Hara On March 27 the Wakefield library hosted a family craft night. Participants were given premade kits with supplies to create shark shaped

Kansas Celebrates National Public Health Week
By Trish Svoboda Governor Laura Kelly declared the week of April 1-7, 2024, as National Public Health Week in Kansas. This proclamation serves to honor

Senators Moran and Tester Propose STAND Act for Enhanced Care and Technology for Veterans with Spinal Injuries
By Trish Svoboda U.S. Senators Jerry Moran of Kansas and Jon Tester of Montana who serve as the ranking member and chairman of the Senate

Kansas Colleges Unite to Boost Rural Economy: A Tri-Institutional Initiative for Future-Ready Education and Workforce Development
By Trish Svoboda In January 2023, a new collaborative initiative was unveiled by Fort Hays State University (FHSU), North Central Kansas Technical College (NCK Tech),

Kansas Apprentices Thrive in Award-Winning Rural Program
By Trish Svoboda Three apprentices recently recruited by two firms had the opportunity to earn while learning through the Kansas Farm Bureau’s award-winning Rural Kansas

Governor Laura Kelly Signs Groundbreaking Bill: A Leap Forward for Military Spouses’ Career Opportunities in Kansas
By Trish Svoboda Today, Governor Laura Kelly signed into law House Bill 2745, which grants military spouses exemption from all fees related to occupational licensing,

Clay County YLinK Advocates Youth Mental Health In Topeka
By Quinn O’Hara On March 20 and 26, several students from the Clay County YLinK chapters visited the Kansas State Capitol building to talk with