Marathon Club Begins at Lincoln Elementary

By Trish Svoboda

The Marathon Club began today for students at Lincoln Elementary School. Kids who participate and complete 26.2 miles, or 210 laps around the track, over the course of the school year will receive a t-shirt.

On a social media post, principal Matt Weller said kids are welcome to run their laps before school from 7:45-8:15, and there are three places he lists that they can go. The track, the gym, or the cafeteria, and notes kids should eat their breakfast before hitting the track. He also said during PE is a good time, and Project LEAD will also have a club.

Principal Weller said it’s good social time for the kids, it keeps them in shape and helps them set goals for where they want to be. Another fun aspect to encourage students is classroom and grade-level competitions.

Last year students completed 11,115 miles, and the goal is to beat that this year.

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