Tammy Wickstrum Presented 2023 Appreciation Award

By Trish Svoboda

Every year, the River Valley District of K-State Research and Extension acknowledges outstanding contributors to their extension mission. During an appreciation dinner held in September, the 2023 Extension Appreciation Award was presented Tammy Wickstrum from Republic County.

Tammy has played a pivotal role in advancing the Republic County 4-H Horse program and 4-H Dog program, driving their growth. She dedicates herself to hosting weekly horse meetings at the arena, where members can bring their horses, engage in riding activities, and learn the proper techniques for showcasing. Tammy also organizes bi-monthly dog meetings, open to all in the County and district.

Originally from Cuba, KS, Tammy graduated from Hillcrest High School. As a former 10-year member of the Merry Meadowlarks 4-H Club, Tammy began her tenure as a club and county-wide horse and dog project leader in 1993, for a total of 30 years in these roles. Her dedication to the horse and dog projects extended to her daughter and granddaughters, who now actively participate in the Merry Meadowlarks 4-H Club, excelling in Horse and Dog Shows.

When not immersed in equine or canine activities, Tammy thrives on her love for baking. She shares her passion with her granddaughters, creating a delightful array of cookies, cupcakes, and brownies. Moreover, Tammy imparts her Czech heritage by baking Kolaches and Rohliky rolls. In her free time, she still manages to pursue her passion for horseback riding and competes in local NBHA Barrel Races.

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