Kansans Warned: Stolen SNAP, TANF Benefits Won’t Be Replaced—Seek Assistance Now

Kansans who have lost SNAP or TANF benefits due to card skimming are urged to seek assistance, as federal aid will not replace stolen funds.

The Kansas Department of Children and Families (DCF) announced that as of Friday, Feb. 7, stolen benefits cannot be reimbursed. A federal provision allowing replacement expired on Dec. 20 and was not renewed with the American Relief Act.

DCF encourages affected residents to call the United Way at 211 for food assistance. Officials also advise EBT cardholders to use the ebtEDGE app or portal to monitor accounts and protect benefits. Key security features include:

  • Freezing the EBT card when not in use, requiring an unfreeze for purchases.
  • Blocking out-of-state and online transactions, with the option to unblock when needed.
  • Regularly updating the four-digit PIN and using secure number combinations.

This guidance follows reports of at least two skimming devices found in the metro area, leaving hundreds of Kansans unable to access their benefits.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s skimming page provides more information about skimming scams and EBT card skimming.

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