Clay County, KS-
If you’re a child or have a child who loves to create art work and are 18 years of age or younger, and in grades 1 through 12, I have the perfect contest for you. The National Association of Counties (NACo) is launching the 2022 “I love My County Because” art contest in conjunction with National County Government Month.
NACo hopes to raise awareness about programs and services that impact people’s lives every day
Pam Kemp, the Clay County Emergency Manager, said that when a newsletter was sent out this morning, it caught her eye and wanted to share it.
Along with the winning artwork being featured in a NACo calendar, the winners will be announced in NACo’s flagship publication, County News, and will be displayed at NACO’s headquarters in Washington D.C.
And with the deadline approaching quickly, Kemp says “It is a great opportunity for young artists to express what they feel is great about their home county.”
Deadline for submissions is May 1, 2022
• Only students living in the United States, who are 18
years of age and younger in grades 1 through 12 during
the 2021–2022 academic year are eligible.
• Each submission must be original artwork created in
the current school year by one student.
• Submitted artwork must present a county activity that
shows how “Counties Matter” and inspired by the
sentence “I love my county because…”
• The artwork must reflect some aspect of a county
government function, service or program, to celebrate
National County Government Month.
• The artwork must be horizontal 11″ x 8.5″ (PDF or
JPEG). The most important elements of the artwork
must not extend beyond 10.5″ x 8″ to account for
trimming during the calendar production process.
• Technical skill: The artwork must display artistic skill
in painting, drawing or digital art.
• Creativity: The artwork must be original in its
expression of a personal vision or voice. It must be the
student›s own work and cannot be plagiarized or in
violation of any copyright.
• Artist’s statement: Along with the artwork, each
student is required to submit a statement that explains
how “Counties Matter” in their community or complete
the sentence “I love my county because…”
• Each entry must include the artist’s name, grade,
school, county and contact information (for the
student, a parent or guardian’s email address and
phone number) and a teacher (email address and phone
• The competition submission period closes May 1,
2022, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
• Students must submit their artwork for consideration at
this link.
• The artwork must be submitted as a PDF or JPEG.
(Winners will be notified and asked to mail their
original artwork to NACo.)
• The artist’s statement including name, age, grade level,
school, teacher or art teacher and contact information
for a guardian or teacher must be submitted as a .doc
or .docx file.
• For digital art or graphic design submissions, the design
must be 300 dpi and RGB color.
• Only one submission per student is allowed.
• There is no entry fee.
• Please mail original artwork to:
660 N. Capitol St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20001
Attention: Leon Lawrence III, Design Director
Janet Schnell covers state and local news for KFRM and KCLY. You can follow the KCLY or KFRM Facebook page for more stories.
KFRM covers news from across the state of Kansas, the Northern part of Oklahoma, and Southern part of Nebraska.
KCLY coverage area includes the nine counties of Clay, Cloud, Dickinson, Geary, Marshall, Ottawa, Riley, Republic, and Washington.
KCLY or KFRM stories and photos may be republished by news media at no cost with proper attribution and a link to or