Clay Center Community Garden Coming Soon

By Quinn O’Hara

During the most recent Clay Counts Coalition meeting, member Nikki Burwell proposed the idea of a Clay Center Community Garden next to the Clay County Health Department building.

Working with Jamie Loomis, who recently moved from a town with their own community garden, Burwell drafted up a plan for the garden to present to the County Commissioners. Burwell said the plan had to be approved by the Commissioners as the garden would utilize County owned land. However, Burwell notes that this is a project associated with the Clay Counts Coalition and not the Clay County Health Department.

Burwell said that request was granted, and now she’s looking for material donations to begin building.

Burwell said the garden will have several raised beds for families to tend and grow vegetables.

Burwell said she hopes to continue to grow the garden after the boxes are finished to include bird baths, a picnic area, and other amenities to make it a place for nature lovers to spend time outside.

The garden will be open to anyone who wishes to participate, said Burwell. Water will be available from the Health Department building, but individuals will need to provide their own tools and seeds. The project doesn’t have a set schedule to be completed by, but Burwell hopes to have the first raised bed ready to grow potatoes by St. Patrick’s Day.

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