Kansas Department of Transportation Launches SS4A Grant Program to Boost Road Safety and Infrastructure Development

By Trish Svoboda

The Kansas Department of Transportation is inviting counties, cities, towns, transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and federally recognized Tribal governments to participate in the U.S. DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program. This SS4A program offers a chance to utilize federal and state funds to aid in planning, infrastructure development, behavioral changes, and operational strategies aimed at eliminating fatalities and severe injuries on our roads and streets.

There are two types of grants. The first is Planning and Demonstration Grants. These grants are designed to assist in the development, completion, or enhancement of a safety action plan, as well as to facilitate demonstration activities.

The deadlines for the Planning and Demonstration Grants are:

· April 4 (request KDOT letter of support by March 15)

· May 16 (request KDOT letter of support by April 26)

· 29 (request KDOT letter of support by Aug. 9)

The second type of grant is Implementation Grants. These aid in the execution of projects and strategies to tackle roadway safety issues. The deadline for these grants is May 16. The U.S. DOT provides a pre-application review for Implementation Grants, with a submission deadline of April 17. If an application for an Implementation Grant is unsuccessful, the applicant may reapply for a Planning and Demonstration Grant in the final round, which is scheduled for August 29.

The SS4A program aligns with the Kansas Drive to Zero Coalition’s objective of achieving zero fatalities on the roadways through a Safe System Approach. In the year 2024, the Kansas Infrastructure Hub is set to play a significant role in the match program. It will provide technical assistance and motivate agencies to seek local match funds from the Build Kansas Fund.

KDOT will host a webinar from 11 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 14. Register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VmcQRVsHRJiTXVOCb4yAeQ.

After registering, a confirmation email will be sent with details on how to join the webinar. The webinar will also be recorded and posted at https://www.ksdot.gov/ss4a/programinformation.asp within two business days of the webinar.

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