Barton County Sees Two Fentanyl Overdoes in Two Weeks

As fentanyl continues to be a problem across Kansas, so do overdoses. Sheriff Brian J. Bellendir with the Barton County Sheriff’s Office talks about two recent incidents.

In the past two weeks the Sheriff’s Office responded to two separate suspected fentanyl overdoses that required emergency medical treatment. In both incidents the individuals became unresponsive and EMS as well as law enforcement were called. In both cases we have reason to believe suspected fentanyl had been ingested shortly prior to the individual becoming unconscious. In both cases the patient has survived.

Kansas, as well as most of the United States has seen an increase in the presence fentanyl in the last two or three years. In many cases the drug is disguised as pharmaceutical pain medication.

The precursor chemicals are being shipped from China to Mexico where they are synthesized into fentanyl. The drug is then smuggled across the border.

Locally, we have seen far more fentanyl in the last two years than ever before. All patrol units, as well as the jail are equipped with Narcan in the event an officer is accidentally exposed, or we need to render aid to a citizen.

We are currently investigating the local sources of these two overdose cases.

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