Meadowlark Hospice celebrates National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is an opportunity to educate our communities about the importance of advanced care planning. NHDD was founded in 2008 by Nathan Kottkamp. He is a healthcare lawyer who saw the need to provide information to the public and providers about healthcare decision-making.


By participating in NHDD, we are able to make these beneficial resources available to patients, families, and providers. The conversations about advanced directives can be uncomfortable. People often avoid advanced directives because they don’t have the right tools or know-how to initiate those hard conversations. By hosting events around National Healthcare Decisions Day, Meadowlark Hospice can provide those resources to individuals.


Our approach is to create options to make initiating the hard conversations easier. Our theme continues to be “Getting your Ducks in a Row”!! There are many things to consider when you complete your advanced directives and we want to help make that process easier. Adults of all ages are encouraged to attend one of our NHDD events.


Meadowlark Hospice will provide multiple opportunities in April to educate you on advanced directives and provide the resources needed. Participants will be able to complete their Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare at the event, if they wish. One step closer to getting your Ducks in a Row!


On April 12th, there will be sessions in Clyde, Washington, and Marysville. The event for Clay Center will be on April 20th from 4:30-6:30 pm at the Meadowlark Hospice office. On April 26th, there will be opportunities in Glasco, Concordia, Belleville, Riley, and Wakefield. Please call 785-632-2225 for questions about times or locations. Event times and details can also be found on our Facebook page for Meadowlark Hospice.

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