Clay Center Presbyterian Manor Receives Award for Customer Satisfaction

By Ryan Duey

Clay Center Presbyterian Manor (PMMA) is the recipient of the 2024 Customer Experience Award from Pinnacle Quality Insight. This award is only given to the top 15% of care providers nationwide.

Amy Altwegg, Executive Director of PMMA, says they work very hard for Customer Satisfaction, and they aim to be a 5-Star Service Building.

Pinnacle handles Quality Insight for over 2500 care providers throughout the United States, conducting over 150,000 phone surveys throughout the year.

Altwegg also states that the surveys are also a great tool for feedback and how thankful they are that the families provide the feedback needed to help them work to reach this high level of customer satisfaction. She also wants to recognize the staff and the hard work they put in daily to make this achievement possible.

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