K-State River Valley District to Put on a Two-Part Alzheimer’s Series in Clay Center

By Ryan Duey

The River Valley Extension District will be holding a two-part program series on Alzheimer’s and Dementia at the Clay Center Extension Office. The two-part series will be held on March 25th and April 8th, at 6:00 p.m.

Jordan Schuette, Adult Development and Aging Agent will be presenting the first program on the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s.

Schuette says attendees will learn the most common warning signs of Aging and Alzheimer’s.

The program is free to attend, and a free meal will be provided thanks to the sponsorship of the Clay County Medical Center. Schuette added that you must RSVP by Wednesday, March 20th for one or both Sessions. You can register by contacting the Clay Center Extension Office.

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