New Wakefield Mayor Officially Sworn Into Office

By Quinn O’Hara

As of the evening of Tuesday, January 2nd, Wakefield officially has a new Mayor.

Leza Chryssovergis ran unopposed in the most recent Wakefield City Election after former Mayor Chris Dumler announced he would not be running for another term.

Mayor Chryssovergis says a top priority is to focus on keeping Wakefield running smoothly:

Chryssovergis also says she’s excited about the potential for growth within Wakefield, noting a desire to utilize more of the potential of Milford Lake and the history of the small town. The new Mayor also says the Wakefield Schools are one of her top priorities:

With Leza Chryssovergis officially sworn into office as the Mayor of Wakefield, her previously held City Council Seat remains empty. Chryssovergis and the City Of Wakefield plan to fill Council Seat #4 come February.

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