TeenMates Mentoring Program To Foster Positive Role Model Relationships

By Quinn O’Hara

Inspired by the TeamMates Mentorship Program and their own experiences as elementary school students, several members of the CCCHS YLinK Chapter have come together to make their own youth mentorship program.

The new program, called TeenMates, aims to give participating CCCHS and Garfield Elementary students a positive relationship that lasts the duration of the mentor’s time in high school, said Clay County YLinK leader Lori Martin.

So far, the TeenMates program has had 14 CCCHS students volunteer to participate. Martin said USD 379 councilors will pair students at Garfield Elementary with a mentor from CCCHS based on shared or similar life experiences.

Martin notes that all TeenMates interactions will be held on school grounds during school hours to provide extra supervision and ensure a safe environment for both students.

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