By Quinn O’Hara
Photos courtesy of Jordan Carlson. Pictured is Kara Floersch, who is interning at United Bank & Trust.
USD 379 is helping facilitate career growth and experience for its High School Seniors.
The USD 379 Internship program is available to 12th graders at Clay Center Community High School and Wakefield High School.
USD 379’s Jordan Carlson is helping to coordinate the program. According to her, the senior internships are a part of USD 379’s efforts to foster a skilled and highly employable young workforce in the community.
Carlson said the details of internships are coordinated between students and the business they choose to partner with. This includes possible pay, hours, and responsibilities. Carlson noted that students may choose to intern for a business that could help them pursue a chosen career path.

Businesses interested in hosting an intern fill out an online survey to get matched with students. Internships are chosen by students at the start of each semester and last throughout that semester. Current business’ applications will be received by next year’s seniors.