Wakefield City Council Seat #4 Will Become Vacant In January

By Quinn O’Hara

Wakefield City Council Seat #4 is set to become vacant in January.

In a Facebook post on November 28th, the City of Wakefield announced the upcoming vacancy.

The seat was previously held by Leza Chryssovergis, who was elected to be the new Mayor of Wakefield in the last city election. Due to the terms lengths of each position, Seat #4 is expected to be open for most of the month of January.

In order to fill the seat, The City of Wakefield is inviting Wakefield residents to come to the upcoming City Council meetings. Those interested in filling the position will be asked three questions:

What top three priorities do they feel the council needs to address?

What skill sets can they bring to the council?

And Why are you interested in serving on the council?

Those interested can come to the January 2nd or February 5th Wakefield City Council meetings to address the council and respond to questions. The selected individual will be appointed at the February 5th meeting.

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