Evergy and Deep Roots Organize Callery Pear Tree Buy-Back Event

By Trish Svoboda

The Callery pear tree, once thought of as an ornamental shade tree in the 1950s, has now become an invasive species. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, a single tree of this species, which originates from Asia, can rapidly spread through seeds and vegetative means, often creating dense thickets within a few years and outcompeting native flora. In forest environments, it buds earlier than native trees, thereby overshadowing spring wildflowers.

In an effort to raise awareness about the economic and environmental damage caused by Callery pear trees, Evergy, Deep Roots, and their partners are organizing their second Callery Pear Buy-back event in the Kansas City region and Northeast Kansas.

The buy-backs will take place on April 27th in Johnson and Shawnee counties.

Each household may claim one native tree, approximately 4 feet tall and housed in a 3-gallon pot. The distribution of trees is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is mandatory. For more information, visit DeepRoots.org.

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