KDOT Encourages Kansans to Drive Sober This Labor Day

By Payton Tholstrup

This Labor Day, The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is encouraging drivers to think before they drive a vehicle while under the influence. Their campaign, “If You Feel Different, You Drive Different. Drive High, Get a DUI,” will run from August 17th-September 5th.

In 2021 in August and September, Kansas had 19 crashes resulting in fatalities caused by driving under the influence.

What do these numbers look like on a national level? 37 people die every-day in the United States due to drunk driving. To put that into perspective, that is one person every 39 minutes according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. There has been an increase nationally in the amount of people who have died from drunk driving accidents; since 2020, the number has increased by 14%.

Drug-impaired driving is also illegal. Like alcohol, drugs can impair drivers. Drugs can slow down reaction times, impair judgment, make drivers more reckless, and more.

No matter what the substance is, driving under the influence is risky and can result in very serious consequences. Impaired drivers can face financial consequences with large fines and more. They could also harm others on the road. It isn’t worth the risk; designate a sober driver or stay home. To learn more about impaired driving, visit https://www.ktsro.org/

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