Amateur Radio Week in Cloud County

On June 19th, the Cloud County Commissioners unanimously signed a Proclamation declaring June 18th-24th as Amateur Radio Week in Cloud County. The Kansas-Nebraska Radio Club (KNRC) will have their national field day exercise this weekend in Glasco, Kansas. This is a 24-hour event open to the public, and everyone, no matter their level of experience, is encouraged to attend.

Last year, more than 35,000 people from various locations attended Field Day activities held in their area. Field Day shows participants how amateur radio, or ham radio, is reliable under any conditions and can create its own independent communications network. It can provide a free, public service to communities during disasters or emergencies. Amateur radio does not require Internet or a cell phone, which is what makes it so reliable.

Anyone can become a licensed Amateur Radio operator. Some are as young as 9 years old. Clubs like KNRC make it easy for anyone to get involved. In the United States, there are more than 725,000 who are licensed.

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