CVA Constructing New 1.5 Million Bushel Grain Storage Facility In Clay Center

By Quinn O’Hara

Central Valley Ag broke ground on a new 1.5 million bushel covered grain storage facility in Clay Center in February of this year.

Caleb Davis, CVA’s Clay Center West Location Manager, said the project will greatly increase the efficiency of harvest season.

A press release from June 9, 2023, states that “the grain expansion will take place near the current bunker site at CVA’s Clay Center Agronomy Plant. Once complete, the site will have a 1.5-million-bushel hoop building that will fill with a 20,000 BPH leg and receiving pit. The building will have a 10,000 BPH center belt reclaim. In addition, CVA is investing in a 5,000-bushel load-out overhead bin, in-floor aeration and a 10,000 BPH Day Paddle Sweep that will help aid in final cleanout of the building. This expansion will be fully automated for inbound and outbound loading, increasing efficiencies and speed for producers.”

Davis said CVA expects the project to be completed in time for the fall harvest.

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