K-State Scholarship Supports Rural and Underrepresented Veterinary Medicine Students

By Payton Tholstrup

The College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University has announced a new scholarship program that will help address the shortage of rural veterinarians. It will also help increase overall access to veterinary education.

The scholarship was made possible because K-State received nearly a $250,000 grant from the United State’s Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to create the Rural and Underrepresented Scholarship for Hopefully Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Students (RUSH DVM program).

Callie Rost, who is associate dean of admissions, said, “This program will contribute to the reduction of the disparity among underrepresented and underserviced populations entering the DVM program, which will better reflect U.S. demographics and help the U.S. remain globally competitive as a leader in animal health and food production.”

The scholarship promotes student success within food and agriculture at the professional DVM level. Throughout the four-year program, Rost also said enrolled students will develop their critical thinking and communication skills. They will also be able to work within ethical and professional standards that are expected in the field. “Students participating in the RUSH DVM program will graduate with a lower debt load, and the program will foster economic opportunity in their futures,” Rost stated.

The RUSH DVM program will be providing scholarships in 2024-2027.

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