Memories Over Material; River Valley Extension Encourages Everyone to Gift an Experience This Year

By Payton Tholstrup

The holiday season is here, which means many people will be shopping for gifts for their loved ones. This year, River Valley Extension is encouraging everyone to consider giving a memory to those on your list instead of material items.

In today’s world, we are surrounded by commercials and advertisements for the newest items, such as electronics, cars, vehicles, and toys. During the holiday season, those advertisements increase even more.

While these items can be great, many end up tossed aside once the newness and excitement wears off. An alternative to this is gifting someone experience that they will treasure.

Gifting an experience, like a trip to an aquarium for instance, can create fun memories. Experiences can be tailored to what each person on your list is interested in. Examples include admission to a zoo, amusement park, movie theater, or museum.

Lessons can also be gifted; know someone that has always wanted to learn how to paint or play an instrument? Why not buy them lessons as their gift?

For educational information, contact Monica Thayer, River Valley Extension District Family Resource Extension Agent at 785-527-5084 or email More information can also be found on her website at

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