Republic County EMS Shares 2023 Numbers at Commissioners Meeting

By Payton Tholstrup

On Monday, January 15th, the Republic County Board of Commissioners met at 8:30 a.m. Levi Whitley, the EMS Director in Republic County, presented a 2023 report of the EMS department.

Whitley shared that Republic County EMS received 639 calls in 2023. 114 of those calls were long distance transfers and two were turned down. They attended 17 public relation events and held CPR trainings, presenting a total of 75 CPR cards. They also distributed 42 infant car seats.

Employees have received 521 hours of documented training in 2023, and the entire department clocked 25,651.5 regular hours. 2,846 hours were overtime.

EMS Unit 2 has been designated as the rescue unit and has the special rescue equipment stored in it.

Whitley shared that one of the goals for the EMS department in the new year is to concentrate on rescue training.

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