Senators Moran and Shaheen Propose Bipartisan Resolution to Declare May 3 as National Space Day

By Trish Svoboda

Senators Jerry Moran and Jeanne Shaheen, respectively the vice chair and chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science, have jointly proposed a bipartisan resolution to declare May 3, as National Space Day. The resolution acknowledges the influence of the space and aerospace sector on the United States, both presently and in the future.

National Space Day celebrates the contributions of aerospace professionals to advancing space exploration and supporting America’s position in the field. Sen. Moran commended the collaborative efforts of the Space Foundation and the Aerospace Corporation in inspiring future generations and acknowledging the history of aerospace in the country. Senator Shaheen’s visits to various STEM programs across New Hampshire have reinforced her confidence in expanding STEM opportunities for children from diverse backgrounds.

A companion resolution was introduced by U.S. Representatives Ted Lieu and Ken Calvert in the U.S. House of Representatives

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