Total Tax Collections for December Lower Than Estimated

By Trish Svoboda

Total tax collections are down from December of 2022 by 3.8%. Ending December 2023 the total tax collections for the state of Kansas is $1.043 billion, which is $36.9 million, or 3.4% below the estimate, according to a news release.

Tax collections from individual income were 4.5%, or $17.1 million above the estimate, with a total of $397.1 million. Individual tax collections were up 5.9% from December 2022. The release also showed corporate income tax collections were 14.3%, or $39.3 million below the estimate, with a total of $235.7 million, down 16.1% from December 2022.

The combined retail sales and compensating use tax receipts were down $5.6 million, or 1.8% lower than the estimate, with a total of $302.4 million. This is down $4.9 million, or 1.6% from December of 2022.

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