Day: October 18, 2022

What if Jacuzzi-Like Water Jets Could Save a Lake? Scientists Will Try it in Kansas
Manhattan, KS— Tuttle Creek Lake sits like a shrunken version of its former self. Take the abandoned campground: Drinking water stopped reaching its pipes as the

No Nightmares: K-State Expert Shares Tips for Halloween Food Safety
By Emily Halstead, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS- Temperatures are dropping and leaves are falling which means Halloween is quickly approaching.

Oct-FLU-ber Fest Vaccine Event Aims to Protect Riley County from Influenza and COVID-19
Riley County, KS- Flu season is here once again and the Riley County Health Department (RCHD) is helping the community stay healthy by offering vaccines.

Sens. Moran, Tester Push to Expand VA Telehealth Services for Rural Veterans
Washington, D.C.– On the two-year anniversary of the signing of the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act (Hannon Act), U.S. Senators

Sen. Marshall Statement on Boston University Risky Gain of Function Research
Washington, D.C.– U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after it was revealed researchers at Boston University developed an 80% more lethal COVID

Cattle Chat: Low-Stress handling
By Lisa Moser, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS— Moving is stressful — whether to a new school, job or town. In

KDOT, Kansas Association of Counties’ New Online Tool Improves Planning
Overland Park, KS– Transportation Secretary Julie Lorenz today announced the release of an online interactive tool to enable Kansas counties to analyze county-owned roads and

Obituary-Scott Gelino
Scott Gelino, 66 died October 17, 2022, in Wakefield, KS. He was born on February 19, 1956, in Clay Center, the son of Charles and

Kansas Ranks Among the Worst in the Country on Both Mental Illness and Its Treatment
Wichita, KS— Kansas performs worse on key measures of mental health than anywhere else in the U.S. A new report by Mental Health America tracking mental illness