Day: May 2, 2023

Community Members Invited to join Clay County Medical Center, Senior Life Solutions for Mental Health Awareness Month Open house
Clay Center, KS – May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Senior Life Solutions is raising awareness about mental health by hosting an open house.

K-State names Schuh to lead agricultural research
Longtime North Dakota faculty member impressed with state’s reputation in agriculture By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. – Jane Schuh,

K-State geographer publishes study on the value of private properties for biodiversity conservation
MANHATTAN — A Kansas State University geographer is part of an international team that is showing the vital role private properties play in protecting native species

K-State students win awards at annual international design competition
MANHATTAN — A team of students from the GE Johnson Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science brought home two awards from a design competition hosted

Choose the Arts Camp Offered in Marysville and Valley Heights
Registrations are being accepted for Choose the Arts, a weeklong summer camp that provides arts education for elementary students. The camp will be held at

Federal Transportation Funding Announced for North Central Kansas
BELOIT, KS, May 1, 2023 — North Central Regional Planning Commission has been named an awardee of two different programs offered through the U.S. Department of