Ladies Night Out Will Provide An Evening of Fun

By Trish Svoboda

Friday night is Ladies’ Night Out at The Rex Theater in Clay Center from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Amy Slingsby will be hosting a fun-filled night with $10 burritos from the Brewhouse, a cash bar, music, door prizes, and many local vendors.

The door prizes for the raffle were donated by local businesses. Amy shares how the raffle works.

This is the 2nd Ladies’ Night Out Amy has hosted. The idea came to her last year when she thought it would be fun to host a ladies night and have vendors come out with, make-up, candles, and nail polish and have a good time. Amy said she asked her husband if he would play music for the event, and he agreed, and she made it happen. The event, held at Vintage Gardens, turned out successful with about 200-250 people in and out throughout the night. The interest this year is looking hopeful for a similar turnout.

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