Calvin Dean Randle, age 69, Oak Hill, KS, was resting easily at home when he went quietly to his maker in heaven on February 24, 2024. Calvin was born June 29, 1954, at the Abilene Hospital, Dickinson County, KS.
The son of Lewis Alton Randle and Dorothy Eleanor (Trickle) Randle, he grew up in the Clay County area, He attended Oak Hill Grade School, graduating from Clay Center High School in 1963. Calvin paid his way through Salina Vocational Technical School, earning his diesel mechanic certification by working at the Standard Station that was across the street from Cedar Court Motel. Later he was offered a job with Clay County Highway Department, retiring from there after 44 years. Calvin enlisted in the National Guard in 1974, serving 6 years. He married Sheryl Castle; and Thomas Eugene Randle was born from that marriage, which ended in divorce.
Never idle; always doing something, he spent his retirement years in Oak Hill with his brother, Bob; caring for a variety of animals, volunteering for maintenance of the town and helping anyone in the community who needed it. Calvin’s passion was hunting and riding motorcycles. He also liked cutting firewood down by the creek bed; right up till the time of his death when he sat down at home to rest; and God called him to his final resting place with Him.
He was preceded in death by his father, mother and sister, Patricia Ann; brother, Jimmy Eugene; sister, Karen Marie and nephew Michael Lin.
Calvin is survived by his brother Robert (Bob); son, Thomas Eugene (Tommy) and nephew, Allen Lee. A graveside service will be held on Friday, March 1, 2pm, at Mt Liberty Cemetery, Pastor Lillian Flegle, officiating. In lieu of flowers or donations, you may send your memorial contributions to the Neil-Schwensen-Rook Funeral Home to support the ministry of Mt Liberty United Methodist Church.