Cloud County Will Sponsor CDBG-CVR Program

A proposal has been granted for Cloud County to serve as the sponsor for the Community Development Block Grant – COVID Resiliency (CDBG-CVR) program funds.

CloudCorp and the North Central Regional Planning Commission (NCRPC) will partner and apply funds and distribute them to qualifying businesses if they are awarded. The Kansas Department of Commerce made $2 million available through the program, which enables cities and counties to address any issues that were caused by the COVID-19 pandemic when no other funds were available.

It is a competitive grant; the application window closes August 30th, 2023. The funding was made possible through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

Communities can request up to $150,000 for eligible expenses; eligible activities include COVID resiliency improvements for businesses.

Eligible activities can be things such as upgrades to remain open to the public and prevent future closures due to illness and public heath emergencies, technology and software upgrades, and more.

There are other rules that must be followed as well. Companies had to be in operation prior to March 1st, 2020. Projects must be scheduled within twelve months of the project award date, and every expense needs to be documented with an invoice and proof of payment. Businesses must always have at least 51% of their employees at the low-to moderate-income standards. Cities and counties can apply for the grant on behalf of any eligible businesses.

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