Veteran Judge Receives Cease and Desist Letter for Unethical Conduct

By Trish Svoboda

Judge F. William Cullins has received a cease and desist letter from the Kansas Commission on Judicial Conduct following accusations of unethical conduct. The complaint alleges that Cullins sought to influence a judicial race in 2022.

The commission determined that Cullins violated state judicial ethics regulations by seeking funds for and providing campaign contributions to fellow candidates. Part of the complaint centers around a phone conversation where Cullins suggested to the opposing attorney a potential transition to a recently made judgeship.

Faced with the potential of losing retirement benefits if beaten in the 2022 elections, Cullins proposed financial assistance and campaign contributions to convince the attorney to change races.

It was determined that Cullins’ actions breached ethical rules. As a consequence, Cullins must stop further solicitation of funds or contributions to other candidates.

In the past, Cullins has also gotten complaints about his use of abusive language and conduct. In 2021 he received a 60-day suspension and was reinstated in 2022.

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